It’s about anticipating future needs and requirements rather than simply figuring out a response to a changing present situation. It’s about building consumer-centric organisations that focus on what employees’ value from their experiences with the company, moving away from the admin heavy systems that attempt to be all things to all employees.
Digitalising not only positively affects businesses, but also those within the business. Organisations can expect to see an effect on company morale, productivity and increased employee performance compared to companies that continue to take a user-based approach to the employee experience.
The business world is constantly evolving and we support organisations to design, develop, implement and manage change programs that will enable the successful transition from their current state to a desired state as quickly and efficiently as possible. Including: changes to business processes, systems and technology, job roles, organization structures, and enablement.
One of the many reasons people and culture transformations fail is because of a culture-structure misfit. Most transformations are aimed at equipping organisations to respond rapidly to changing business priorities. Whilst they are successful at training and developing employees to acquire the skills needed to adapt and act quickly, they often overlook processes, policies and systems that go against this way of thinking and working.
Success begins and ends with people. That’s why it becomes even more important to create an environment in which people can excel, in which people want to work.
Design thinking takes aim at the heart of unnecessary workplace complexity by putting the employee first, with solutions that are compelling, enjoyable, and simple.
Gone are the days where an employee’s experience could be influenced just by a pay check at the end of each month. Today’s employees are impacted by much more than that, from the technology they use, to their physical workspace, to their development and growth opportunities.
Co-creating solutions leads to better results and deeper commitment: we work closely with you AND your employees to help resolve challenges.
By deep-diving into the frustrations, challenges and opportunities of what employees value the most, HR will truly be able to positively impact the overall workplace experience. The principles of Design Thinking promote a virtuous cycle, generating higher levels of satisfaction, greater engagement and higher productivity.
Every organisation is experiencing change and undergoing transformation. The traditional organisational design based on hierarchies and command and control is increasingly being displaced by network of teams and flattarchies (flat hierarchies) regardless of industry, geography or company size. This type of agile workplace is becoming increasingly common, and with its focus on the employee experience, leaders are faced with changing employee expectations who are demanding more soulful workplaces where their skills and talents meet their deepest desire for purpose.
Having agility in a business means having an individual and unique organisational structure which allows the organisation to respond rapidly to changes in the internal and external environment without losing momentum and competitive advantage.
HR plays a critical role in driving the people agenda and can drive agility in the business by ensuring employees have the skills and capability to respond quickly to changing business priorities and creating an infrastructure and processes that allow employees to re-group, re-focus and act quickly.
Agility, in other words, means becoming nimble, able to move quickly and easily. For HR this means, transitioning from traditional ways of working to Agile ways of working by changing the focus from imposing controls and standards to empowering adaptability, innovation, and collaboration.